
Awards and Grants

Each year, the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) bestows major awards and grants to professional and student members at the annual NASSM conference. The purpose of the awards and grants is to recognize achievements and innovations by professional and student members in the areas of research, teaching, and service. Click below to learn more about the nomination procedures, selection processes, and past winners.

Earle F. Zeigler Lecture Award
Garth Paton Service Award
Sport Management Educator Award
Joy DeSensi Diversity Award
Distinguished Research Award
NASSM Research Fellow Award
NASSM SMEJ Fellow Award
Student Research Competition Award
Janet B. Parks NASSM Research Grant
NASSM Doctoral Research Grant
NASSM Service Learning Grant


Earle F. Zeigler Lecture Award


The Earle F. Zeigler Lecture Award is the most prestigious NASSM award and may only be bestowed on an individual once over the course of their career. A specially-featured distinguished scholarly lecture by the Earle F. Zeigler Lecture Award recipient is delivered annually at the NASSM conference and printed in the Journal of Sport Management. Further details about the Earle F. Zeigler Lecture Award can be found in the Operating Code for NASSM Awards.


  • Must be a NASSM member in good standing that has not previously received the award.

  • Must have a minimum of 10 years of service as a teacher, supervisor, administrator, or combination of the preceding.

  • Must have made significant contributions to the field of sport management in terms of scholarship, research, and leadership as recognized by peers.

  • Must reflect qualities demonstrated by Dr. Zeigler in areas of student growth and development, leadership, service, scholarship, and collegiality.


Procedures for the Nominee 

  1. Review and abide by all qualifications and procedures as outlined in the Operating Code for NASSM Awards.

  2. Create your account and complete the online form on ExOrdo (click here to visit ExOrdo).

  3. Confirm your membership is current via the portal questions (Note: You must have a current membership to submit materials.)

Submission Process 

  1. Selection criteria detailing the nominee’s qualifications must be submitted electronically on ExOrdo. 

  2. Credentials should be submitted as one PDF document. 

  3. Document name should be formatted as Ziegler2024.pdf. 

  4. Credentials must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. (PST) on September 1.

  5. Please review the award criteria on section carefully before submitting your materials.

Key Award Dates:

  • By June 21 – Executive Director alerts Marketing & Communications to send the call for nominations 

  • July 15 – Award Committee confirmed by the Executive Director and President 

  • July 15 - Nominations due via email to the Executive Director

  • July 20 – Executive Director notifies nominees when materials are due to upload to Ex Ordo

  • September 1 – Credentials uploaded to Ex Ordo

  • September 7 – Chairperson sends materials to the Committee for review and sets deadlines for finalizing nominees 

  • By November 1 - Chairperson sends recommendations to Executive Director

  • By November 15 – Governing Board votes on award recipient 

  • By December 1 – Executive Director notifies awardees of outcome, alerts committee Chairperson of the results 

  • By December 15 – Executive Director notifies Marketing & Communications

Past Winners

2024 - Dr. Daniel Mason, University of Alberta
2023 - Marijke Taks, University of Ottawa
2022 - Larena Hoeber, University of Regina
2021 - (no recipient due to COVID-19)
2020 - Marlene Dixon, Texas A&M University
2019 - Jennifer McGarry, University of Connecticut
2018 - Dan Funk, Temple University
2017 - Jeffrey James, Florida State University
2016 - B. Christine Green, University of Illinois
2015 - Janet Fink, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
2014 - James Zhang, University of Georgia
2013 - George Cunningham, Texas A&M University
2012 - Alison Doherty, Western University
2011 - David Shilbury, Deakin University
2010 - Karen Danylchuk, University of Western Ontario
2009 - Mary Hums, University of Louisville
2008 - Lucie Thibault, Brock University
2007 - Dan Mahony, University of Louisville
2006 - Sue Inglis, McMaster University
2005 - Laurence Chalip, University of Texas
2004 - Wendy Frisby, University of British Columbia
2003 - Jacquelyn Cuneen, Bowling Green State University
2002 - Donna L. Pastore, Ohio State University
2001 - W. James Weese, University of Windsor
2000 - Brenda G. Pitts, Florida State University
1999 - David K. Stotlar, University of Northern Colorado
1998 - Dennis R. Howard, University of Oregon
1997 - Garth Paton, University of New Brunswick
1996 - Robert Boucher, University of Windsor
1995 - Trevor Slack, University of Alberta
1994 - Gordon Olafson, University of Windsor
1993 - Joy T. DeSensi, University of Tennessee
1992 - Janet Parks, Bowling Green State University
1991 - Packianathan Chelladurai, The Ohio State University
1989 - Earle F. Zeigler, University of Western Ontario

Garth Paton Distinguished Service Award


The Garth Paton Distinguished Service Award annually recognizes a member’s outstanding service contribution to NASSM. The award is intended to (a) be one of high distinction within NASSM and the award recipient’s own academic community and (b) encourage high standards of service to NASSM and other forms of professional contribution among members of NASSM. Further details regarding the Garth Paton Distinguished Service Award can be found in the Operating Code for NASSM Awards.


Any current professional member of NASSM is eligible to be nominated to receive the Garth Paton Distinguished Service Award. Nominees must have been NASSM member of good standing for at least 10 years and must have an ongoing record of exemplary service to NASSM and its members.


Procedures for the Nominee 

  1. Review and abide by all qualifications and procedures as outlined in the Operating Code for NASSM Awards.

  2. Create your account and complete the online form on ExOrdo (click here to visit ExOrdo).

  3. Confirm your membership is current via the portal questions (Note: You must have a current membership to submit materials.)

Submission Process 

  1. Selection criteria detailing the nominee’s qualifications must be submitted electronically on ExOrdo. 

  2. Credentials should be submitted as one PDF document. 

  3. Document name should be formatted as Paton2024.pdf.

  4. Credentials must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. (PST) on September 1.

  5. Please review the award criteria on section carefully before submitting your materials.

Key Award Dates:

  • By June 21 – Executive Director alerts Marketing & Communications to send the call for nominations 

  • July 15 – Award Committee confirmed by the Executive Director and President 

  • July 15 - Nominations due via email to the Executive Director

  • July 20 – Executive Director notifies nominees when materials are due to upload to Ex Ordo

  • September 1 – Credentials uploaded to Ex Ordo

  • September 7 – Chairperson sends materials to the Committee for review and sets deadlines for finalizing nominees 

  • By November 1 - Chairperson sends recommendations to Executive Director

  • By November 15 – Governing Board votes on award recipient 

  • By December 1 – Executive Director notifies awardees of outcome, alerts committee Chairperson of the results 

  • By December 15 – Executive Director notifies Marketing & Communications

Past Winners

2024 - Dr. Damon Andrew, Florida State University
2023 - Dr. Bri Newland, New York University
2022 - Lisa Kihl, University of Minnesota
2021 - (no recipient due to COVID-19)
2020 - Larena Hoeber, University of Regina
2019 - Tim DeSchriver, University of Delaware
2018 - Matt Brown, University of South Carolina
2017 - Orland Hoeber, University of Regina
2016 - Aubrey Kent, Temple University
2015 - Jim Weese, Western University
2014 - Ming Li, Western Michigan University
2013 - Clay Stoldt, Wichita State University
2012 - Alison Doherty, Western University
2011 - Carol Barr, University of Massachusetts
2010 - Dianna Gray, University of Northern Colorado
2009 - (no recipient due to withdrawal of candidates)
2008 - Robin Ammon, Slippery Rock University
2007 - Karen Danylchuk, University of Western Ontario
2006 - Jacquelyn Cuneen, Bowling Green State University
2005 - Sue Inglis, McMaster University
2004 - Brenda Pitts, Georgia State University
2003 - Garth Paton, University of New Brunswick
2002 - Bob Boucher, Windsor University
2001 - Janet Parks, Bowling Green State University

Distinguished Sport Management Educator Award


The purpose of the Distinguished Sport Management Educator Award is to recognize exceptional contributions to teaching and learning. The award signifies (a) distinction in classroom, field, and/or online teaching; (b) excellence in pedagogical innovations in teaching, course design, curricular design, and/or assessment; (c) sustained commitment to the improvement and quality of teaching and learning in the sport management discipline; and (d) sustained commitment to one’s own professional learning. A NASSM member may receive the award more than once; however, there must be a 5-year duration between award periods. Further information about the Distinguished Sport Management Educator Award is provided in the Operating Code for NASSM Awards.


Any current professional member of NASSM is eligible to be nominated to receive the Distinguished Sport Management Educator Award. Nominees must have been members of NASSM for a minimum of five years and must have taught in sport management curricula for a minimum of three years.


Procedures for the Nominee 

  1. Review and abide by all qualifications and procedures as outlined in the Operating Code for NASSM Awards.

  2. Create your account and complete the online form on ExOrdo.

  3. Confirm your membership is current via the portal questions (Note: You must have a current membership to submit materials.)

Submission Process 

  1. Selection criteria detailing the nominee’s qualifications must be submitted electronically on ExOrdo. 

  2. Create your account and complete the online form on ExOrdo (click here to visit ExOrdo).

  3. Document name should be formatted as DistinguishedEducator2024.pdf.

  4. Credentials must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. (PST) on September 1.

  5. Please review the award criteria on section carefully before submitting your materials.

Key Award Dates:

  • By June 21 – Executive Director alerts Marketing & Communications to send the call for nominations 

  • July 15 – Award Committee confirmed by the Executive Director and President 

  • July 15 - Nominations due via email to the Executive Director

  • July 20 – Executive Director notifies nominees when materials are due to upload to Ex Ordo

  • September 1 – Credentials uploaded to Ex Ordo

  • September 7 – Chairperson sends materials to the Committee for review and sets deadlines for finalizing nominees 

  • By November 1 - Chairperson sends recommendations to Executive Director

  • By November 15 – Governing Board votes on award recipient 

  • By December 1 – Executive Director notifies awardees of outcome, alerts committee Chairperson of the results 

  • By December 15 – Executive Director notifies Marketing & Communications

Past Winners

2024 - Dr. Jess Dixon, University of Windsor
2023 - Dr. Jim Strode, Ohio University
2022 - Jim Weese, Western University
2021 - no recipient due to COVID-19
2020 - Barbara Osborne, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2019 - Mark Lyberger, Kent State University
2018 - Angela Lumpkin, Texas Tech University
2017 - Brian Turner, The Ohio State University
2016 - Mark Nagel, University of South Carolina
2015 - Dianna Gray, University of Northern Colorado
2014 - Brenda Pitts, Georgia State University
2013 - Lynn Ridinger, Old Dominion University
2012 - Andy Gillentine, University of South Carolina
2011 - Bob Boucher, University of Windsor
2010 - Robert Baker, George Mason University
2009 - Mark McDonald, University of Massachusetts Amherst
2008 - Jackie Cuneen, Bowling Green State University

Joy DeSensi Diversity Award for Inclusive Excellence


The purpose of the Joy DeSensi Diversity Award for Inclusive Excellence is to recognize exceptional contribution to promote diversity and inclusion within NASSM and related sport management disciplines. The award signifies (a) a significant contribution to promoting and understanding diversity within NASSM; (b) the creation of innovative programs, initiatives, strategies, etc. designed to enhance diversity and inclusion within NASSM; and (c) a sustained commitment to developing diversity and inclusion in sport management disciplines through teaching, research, and/or service. Further information about the Joy DeSensi Diversity Award for Inclusive Excellence is provided in the Operating Code for NASSM Awards.


Any current professional member of NASSM is eligible to be nominated to receive the Joy DeSensi Diversity Award for Inclusive Excellence. Nominees must have been members of NASSM for a minimum of five years and do not have to have served on the Diversity Committee. Nominees may be of any faculty rank and must currently be teaching full time in a sport management major curriculum. There is no limit to the number of times a member may be nominated. Nominations will remain active for three years.


Procedures for the Nominee 

  1. Review and abide by all qualifications and procedures as outlined in the Operating Code for NASSM Awards.

  2. Create your account and complete the online form on ExOrdo (click here to visit ExOrdo).

  3. Confirm your membership is current via the portal questions (Note: You must have a current membership to submit materials.)

Submission Process 

  1. Selection criteria detailing the nominee’s qualifications must be submitted electronically on ExOrdo. 

  2. Credentials should be submitted as one PDF document. 

  3. Document name should be formatted as DeSensi2024.pdf.

  4. Credentials must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. (PST) on September 1.

  5. Please review the award criteria on section carefully before submitting your materials.

Key Award Dates:

  • By June 21 – Executive Director alerts Marketing & Communications to send the call for nominations 

  • July 15 – Award Committee confirmed by the Executive Director and President 

  • July 15 - Nominations due via email to the Executive Director

  • July 20 – Executive Director notifies nominees when materials are due to upload to Ex Ordo

  • September 1 – Credentials uploaded to Ex Ordo

  • September 7 – Chairperson sends materials to the Committee for review and sets deadlines for finalizing nominees 

  • By November 1 - Chairperson sends recommendations to Executive Director

  • By November 15 – Governing Board votes on award recipient 

  • By December 1 – Executive Director notifies awardees of outcome, alerts committee Chairperson of the results 

  • By December 15 – Executive Director notifies Marketing & Communications

Past Winners

2024 - Dr. Kwame Agyemang, University of Kentucky
2023 - Dr. Laura Misener, Western University
2022 - Nefertiti Walker, University of Massachusetts Amherst
2021 - (no recipient due to COVID-19)
2020 - Jacqueline McDowell, George Mason University
2019 - John Singer, Texas A&M University
2018 - George Cunningham, Texas A&M University
2017 - Ming Li, Western Michigan University
2016 - Brenda Pitts, Georgia State University
2015 - Heidi Grappendorf, University of Cincinnati
2014 - Mary Hums, University of Louisville
2013 - Joy DeSensi, University of Tennessee

Distinguished Research Award


The purpose of the Distinguished Research Award is to recognize a scholar’s extraordinary scientific contributions to the field of sport management. The award is given in acknowledgment of an individual’s (a) distinguished record of intellectual contributions (e.g., publications, presentations); (b) advancement of conceptual, empirical, and/or theoretical knowledge to the literature and practice; (c) authorship of ideas that are original, important, and validate the distinctiveness of sport management as an academic discipline; and (d) mentorship and support of other scholars. Further information about the Distinguished Research Award is provided in the Operating Code for NASSM Awards.


Any professional member of NASSM in good standing is eligible to be nominated and receive the Distinguished Research Award. Nominees must have been professional members of NASSM for a minimum of five years and have received the NASSM Research Fellow Award. The award may only be bestowed upon an individual once over the course of their career. Distribution of the award plaque and acceptance of the award will take place at the Founders’ Reception at the annual NASSM conference.


Procedures for the Nominee 

  1. Review and abide by all qualifications and procedures as outlined in the Operating Code for NASSM Awards.

  2. Create your account and complete the online form on ExOrdo (click here to visit ExOrdo).

  3. Confirm your membership is current via the portal questions (Note: You must have a current membership to submit materials.)

Submission Process 

  1. Selection criteria detailing the nominee’s qualifications must be submitted electronically on ExOrdo. 

  2. Credentials should be submitted as one PDF document. 

  3. Document name should be formatted as DistinguishedResearch2024.pdf.

  4. Credentials must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. (PST) on September 1.

  5. Please review the award criteria on section carefully before submitting your materials.

Key Award Dates:

  • By June 21 – Executive Director alerts Marketing & Communications to send the call for nominations 

  • July 15 – Award Committee confirmed by the Executive Director and President 

  • July 15 - Nominations due via email to the Executive Director

  • July 20 – Executive Director notifies nominees when materials are due to upload to Ex Ordo

  • September 1 – Credentials uploaded to Ex Ordo

  • September 7 – Chairperson sends materials to the Committee for review and sets deadlines for finalizing nominees 

  • By November 1 - Chairperson sends recommendations to Executive Director

  • By November 15 – Governing Board votes on award recipient 

  • By December 1 – Executive Director notifies awardees of outcome, alerts committee Chairperson of the results 

  • By December 15 – Executive Director notifies Marketing & Communications

NASSM Research Fellow Award

The NASSM Research Fellow Award recognizes NASSM’s scholars by honoring their achievement in sport-related scholarship disseminated through NASSM. The designation is intended to (a) be one of distinction within NASSM and the Fellow’s own academic community and (b) encourage high standards of research and other forms of scholarship among NASSM members. Credentials must be submitted electronically no later than April 1 of the induction year (induction to take place at annual NASSM conference). Questions about the NASSM Research Fellow Award or application process should be sent to the Interim Executive Director, Dr. Bri Newland (, Subject: Research Fellow Award)). Qualifications (list of minimum criteria) and supporting materials (evidence of minimum criteria) must be submitted online (below) using the guidelines in the Operating Code for the NASSM Research Fellow Award. Click below to upload your credentials and submit your application.

Click here to view the registry of NASSM Research Fellows.

NASSM Sport Management Education Journal Fellow Award

The NASSM Sport Management Education Journal Fellow Award recognizes NASSM’s scholars by honoring their achievement in the scholarship of teaching and learning germane to the field of sport management. The designation is intended to (a) be one of distinction within NASSM and the Fellow’s own academic community and (b) encourage high standards of research and other forms of scholarship among NASSM members. Credentials must be submitted electronically no later than April 1 of the induction year (induction to take place at annual NASSM conference). Questions about the NASSM Research Fellow Award or application process should be sent to the Interim Executive Director, Dr. Bri Newland (, Subject: SMEJ Award). Qualifications (list of minimum criteria) and supporting materials (evidence of minimum criteria) must be submitted online using the guidelines in the Operating Code for the NASSM Sport Management Education Journal Fellow Award. Click below to upload credentials and submit application.

Student Research Competition Award

The purpose of the Student Research Competition Award is to recognize a student’s extraordinary research in the field of sport management. To be eligible for this competition, students must be enrolled in a college or university and not be employed in a full-time academic position at the submission deadline. Students may only submit one paper for this competition, and if accepted for presentation, this paper will count toward the two-presentation maximum for the annual NASSM Conference. The winner of the competition will have an opportunity to present the research at the President’s Luncheon of the NASSM Conference. The deadline for paper submissions is January 15, 2025. Questions about the Student Research Competition Award or application process should be sent to the Interim Executive Director, Dr. Bri Newland (, Subject: Student Research Award). Prior to submission, applicants must abide by the Operating Code for the Student Research Competition Award. Click below to upload your paper and submit your application.

Janet B. Parks NASSM Research Grant

The purpose of the Janet B. Parks NASSM Research Grant is to advance scholarship in sport management by providing support to NASSM members as they pursue research projects of importance to the field. Each year, grant amounts will depend upon the Treasurer’s recommendations; however, a total grant pool amount expected not to be less than $5,000 each year will be the norm. Typically, multiple grants are awarded each year; hence, applicants should anticipate a total grant pool amount of $5,000 per year to be split among the grant awardees when developing grant budgets. No more than five (5) awards will be given in a year. Grant proposals are due by March 15, 2025. Prior to submitting the grant application, please read and abide by the Operating Code for the Janet B. Parks NASSM Research Grant. Click below to upload your proposal and submit your application.

NASSM Doctoral Research Grant

The purpose of the NASSM Doctoral Research Grant is to advance scholarship in sport management by providing support to doctoral student members as they pursue projects of importance to the field and advance scholarship in the field of sport management. Each year, grant amounts will depend upon the Treasurer’s recommendations; however, a total grant pool amount expected not to be less than $5,000 per year will be the norm. Typically, multiple grants are awarded each year; thus, applicants should anticipate a total grant pool amount of $5,000 each year to be split among grant awardees when developing proposal budgets. No more than three (3) awards will be given in a year. Awards will be announced at the Annual Conference in conjunction with the conference awards banquet. All grant proposals are due by March 15, 2025. Prior to submitting the grant application, please read and abide by the Operating Code for the NASSM Doctoral Research Grant. Click below to upload your proposal and submit your application.

NASSM Service Learning Grant

The purpose of the NASSM Service Learning Grant Program is to allow students and academics to connect theoretical knowledge and organized service activities in the community by providing service-learning opportunities, scholarship, and capacity in the field. Each year, grant amounts will depend upon the Treasurer’s recommendations; however, a total grant pool amount expected not to be less than $5,000 per year will be the norm. Multiple grants are awarded each year; thus, applicants should anticipate a total grant pool amount of $5,000 each year to be split among grant awardees when developing proposal budgets. No more than three (3) awards will be given in a year. Awards will be announced at the Annual Conference in conjunction with the annual conference awards banquet. Grant proposals are due by March 15, 2025. Prior to submitting the grant application, please read and abide by the Operating Code for the NASSM Service Learning Grant. Click below to upload your proposal and submit your application.