Annual Conference

Each year, NASSM hosts its annual conference where academics, industry professionals, and students gather to exchange ideas, present research, and discuss matters germane to the field of sport management. The 2025 NASSM conference will be held in San Diego the week of May 27-30 (Tuesday—Friday.) Details about this year’s NASSM conference can be found by clicking through the respective links below.

Call for Papers
Conference Registration
Hotel Information
Sponsorship Sales
Program Schedule
Extra Activities
Presenter Instructions
Site Destinations
2024 Conference Photos
2023 Conference Photos

Call for Papers

NASSM invites individuals to submit abstracts, including empirical, methodological, conceptual, and teaching-related types, for next year’s NASSM Conference to be held May 27-30, 2025 in San Diego, CA. Abstract submissions will begin to be accepted on October 1, 2024 with a deadline for submissions on November 1, 2024 (11:59 PM PST). Submissions received after this date and time will not be accepted or reviewed. Both completed research and research that is in progress are acceptable. Please send an email to Interim Executive Director, Dr. Bri Newland (, with questions concerning the call for papers and/or academic program.

Abstract Format

Abstracts must include the following information and conform to the following requirements. Please note that the information you submit with your abstract is will be used to generate the presentation schedule as well as the online and print version of the conference book of abstracts. As such, submitting authors should verify the correctness of all of the information provided. Please pay careful attention to the following:

  • Fewer than 500 words, regardless of presentation type

  • Presentation title using APA’s title case capitalization

  • Body text only (do not include reference list, figures, or tables)

  • Author name(s), institution name(s), and contact information

    • If your co-authors have alternate forms of their names, check with them to ensure you are entering what they normally use in their academic writing.

    • Do not use abbreviations or acronyms in the university names.

    • Do not include the title or author information within the body of your abstract.

  • APA style must be used for all referencing

  • Do not insert extra line breaks between paragraphs, or manually space in an indent for the first line of the paragraphs. Our abstract template will automatically format abstracts and such extra spacing must then manually be removed.

  • The abstract submission system will provide you a preview page as a last step of the submission process. Please make sure that you proofread your abstract before completing the submission.

Submission Guidelines

Presentations may be proposed in any of the following formats:

  • A 20-minute oral presentation (including 5 minutes of Q&A)

  • A poster

  • A 60-minute full session symposium, roundtable, forum, or workshop

Authors’ names may not appear on more than two (2) abstracts/proposals of any kind [i.e., authors are limited to two (2) possible presentations regardless of co-authorship or type of presentation]. An exception to this limit is for an advisor to a student who is submitting an abstract. In this case, the advisor position must be clearly indicated in the author section of the submission and the first author must be a registered student at their institution at the time of abstract submission. 

Abstracts submitted for presentation at the NASSM conference should not be concurrently submitted for consideration to another conference or have been previously presented at another conference. Submitted abstracts should not be of work published prior to November 1, 2024.

Teaching & Learning Fair Updates

Please also note that there are operating code updates related to the Teaching and Learning Fair. You will upload Teaching & Learning Fair abstracts with all other abstract categories. These categories are:

  • Empirical - Work that uses research to test or build sport management theory and concepts, or reports data in the context of consultation to a sport organization.

  • Conceptual - Work that presents new conceptual frameworks or expands existing ones, and which typically does not collect new data.

  • Teaching Innovation (Pedagogical Research) - The purpose of these presentations is to acquaint sport management faculty with new methods or procedures that have proven useful in the classroom.

  • Methodological - Work that focuses on new methods or innovative applications of established methods for sport management research. These may be illustrated with empirical examples, but the empirical component in this case should be intended to illustrate the method

  • Teaching Innovation (Teaching in Practice) - Work intended as means of sharing pedagogical ideas, strategies, assignments, projects, and other teaching and learning tools with sport management faculty.

Authors are only permitted to be listed on one (1) Teaching & Learning Fair abstract submission per year. This is in addition to the two (2) submissions allowed for the other traditional conference abstract categories. The abstract review process will follow the process outlined in the operating codes like all other abstract categories.

Submission Procedure

Abstracts must be submitted online using the abstract submission portal, which will require you to supply the following information. Please note that NASSM has adopted a new categorization and context mechanism to help organize the review process and scheduling of accepted abstracts. We recommend authors consider the lists below in advance of submitting their abstracts. Selections from the category/sub-category and context lists will be required during the submission process.

  • Abstract Type [empirical, conceptual, teaching innovation (pedagogical research), methodological, or Teaching and Learning Fair (teaching in practice)]

  • Presentation Category/Sub-Category

    • Communication (DEI in communications; digital and social media; media public relations; strategic communications; other)

    • Events & Tourism (DEI in events and tourism; experience design; marketing; operations; sponsorship; sustainability; tourism; volunteers; other)

    • Facilities (DEI in facilities; experience design; marketing; operations; sponsorship; sustainability; volunteers; other)

    • Finance/Economics (DEI in finance/economics; economics; finance; other)

    • Governance, Policy, and Law (commercial law; contract law; DEI in law and governance; dispute resolution; employment law; entertainment and media rights law; gambling law and policy; governance; NIL; policy; other)

    • Management (corporate social responsibility; DEI in management; ethics; human resource management; leadership; organizational behavior; organizational capacity and change; strategy; work-life; other)

    • Marketing (athlete activism; branding and brand community; consumer behavior; corporate social responsibility; DEI in marketing; fandom and fan identity; motivation; revenue generation; other)

    • Methodolgy (design; mixed-methods; multilevel analysis; qualitative; quantitative; other)

    • Socio-Cultural (community and socioeconomic background; DEI; family; gender; sexuality; work-life; other)

    • Sport Development (athlete transition; athlete retention strategies; DEI in sport development; elite/high performance development; sport for all/mass participation; youth development; other)

    • Sport for Development (DEI in sport for development; education; wealth and mental well-being; human trafficking; humanitarian relief; social capital; sustainability; war and conflict relief; other)

    • Sport Ecology (adaptation; circular economy; climate action; climate change; DEI in ecology; environmental attitudes and behavior; environmental impact; environmental justice; sustainability; other)

    • Teaching Research and Pedagogical Innovation (career; case studies; DEI in pedagogy; delivery modalities; internships, apprenticeships, and practica; portfolios; problem-based; role playing and simulation; professional development and mentoring; teaching pedagogy; technology integration; other)

    • Technology, Gaming, and Innovation (blockchain; DEI in technology, gaming, and innovation; emerging tech and innovation; gambling; gaming and esports; generative AI; wearables and tech equipment; other)

  • Context Area (amateur sport, college sport, community sport, disability sport, elite sport, immigrant sport, international sport, Olympic sport, professional sport, recreational sport, school sport, youth sport, other)

  • Presentation Type (20-minute oral; 10-minute lightning talk; poster; 60-minute symposium, roundtable, forum, or workshop; Teaching and Learning Fair)

  • Principal Author’s Information

Abstract submission indicates the intent of the presenter(s) to register for and attend the 2025 NASSM Conference in San Diego, CA. At least one presenter must be registered by the early bird registration deadline or their paper will be withdrawn. Presenters should be prepared to present at any time between first session (8:00 AM on Wednesday, May 30) and last session of the conference (4:30 PM on Friday, June 1). The conference schedule will be released for review in March 2025. 

Submission Deadline

Abstracts cannot be submitted prior to October 1, 2024, and must be received no later than November 1, 2024 (11:59 PM PST). Submissions received after this date and time will not be accepted or reviewed. All abstracts selected for presentation will be reprinted and published in the Conference Abstracts as submitted. Some editorial corrections will be made by the program chair, but abstract authors will not be allowed to edit or update their abstract(s). Authors cannot be added after the abstract submission deadline has passed.

Review Criteria

Abstracts will be subjected to a blind review. No preference will be given to longer abstracts. Review criteria will be based on the following presentation categories:

Empirical - Work that uses research to test or build sport management theory and concepts, or reports data in the context of consultation to a sport organization.

  • Relevance/significance of the topic to sport management

  • Review of relevant literature

  • Clarity of purpose/objectives of the study/timeliness

  • Appropriate methodology and data analysis

  • Discussion/implications/applications

  • Contribution to the body of knowledge

Conceptual - Work that presents new conceptual frameworks or expands existing ones, and which typically does not collect new data.

  • Relevance/significance of the topic to sport management

  • Review of relevant literature

  • Clarity of purpose/objectives/timeliness

  • Quality of theoretical/conceptual framework

  • Discussion/implications/future directions

  • Contribution to the body of knowledge

Teaching - Work that focuses on classroom methods/innovations and acquaints sport management faculty with new methods or procedures that have proven useful in the classroom.

  • Relevance/significance of the topic to sport management instructors

  • Review of relevant literature

  • Clarity of purpose/objectives of the presentation

  • Potential for impact on teaching quality

  • Originality of teaching innovations suggested

  • Contribution to the body of knowledge

Methodology - Work that focuses on new methods or innovative applications of established methods for sport management research (these may be illustrated with empirical examples, but the empirical component in this case should be intended to illustrate the method).

  • Relevance/significance of the topic to sport management

  • Review of relevant literature

  • Clarity of purpose/objectives of the presentation

  • Potential for impact on sport management research

  • Originality in sport management of suggestions in presentation

  • Contribution to the body of knowledge

Teaching and Learning—Work that shares pedagogical ideas, strategies, assignments, projects and other teaching and learning tools with sport management faculty (abstracts submitted under this type will be reviewed for NASSM’s Teaching and Learning Fair)

  • Relevancy to sport management educators

  • Timeliness of idea

  • Usefulness in the classroom

  • Clarity of submission

  • Potential impact on teaching quality

  • Contribution to the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL)

Submit Abstract

Abstract submissions will be accepted beginning October 1, 2024, with a deadline for submission on November 1, 2024 (11:59 PM PST). Submissions received after this date and time will not be accepted or reviewed. Both completed research and research that is in progress are acceptable. Please send an email to Interim Executive Director, Dr. Bri Newland (, with questions concerning the call for papers and/or academic program.

Conference Registration

Below are the rates (USD) for the 2025 NASSM conference in San Diego. Early bird registration for professionals opens February 1 and ends on March 31 (early bird registration for students will end April 31), after which conference registration rates will increase. Please note that current professional and student members should register for the conference in the Members section where members can register for the NASSM conference at a discounted member rate.

Non-members looking to become a NASSM member and register for the NASSM conference can do so by clicking the “Register Now” button below and following form and payment instructions. Please note that all non-members will need to create a NASSM account* (see details below) before selecting a registration and membership option and submitting payment/conference registration details.

Professional Member Rates

$535 Professional Member Early Bird Rate (before April 1)
$700 Professional Member Standard Rate

Professional Non-Member Rates
$650 Non-Member Early Bird Rate (before April 1)
$800 Non-Member Standard Rate

Student Member Rates
$300 Student Member Early Bird Rate (before May 1)
$400 Student Member Standard Rate

Cancellation/Refund Policy
Cancellation prior to April 1: $50 of registration fee is non-refundable
Cancellation between April 1-May 15: 50% of registration fee is non-refundable
Cancellation after May 15: No refund of registration fee

*Membership Fees
Non-members looking to become a NASSM member and register for the NASSM conference can do so by clicking the “Register Now” button below and following form and payment instructions. You will be asked to create a NASSM account before selecting from a list of registration and membership options. NASSM membership fees are $150 for professional members and $80 for student members. Annual emeritus and lifetime memberships are available for those individuals who are deemed eligible. For more information or to request a emeritus or lifetime membership, please contact the Interim Executive Director, Dr. Bri Newland, at

NASSM memberships run concurrent with the NASSM conference cycle from February 1—January 31. Unless you are a lifetime member, memberships need to be renewed each year on or after Feburary 1. Current NASSM members receive online access to the Journal of Sport Management (JSM) and the Sport Management Education Journal (SMEJ) via the Members section. Any member that wishes to purshase a print component (JSM and/or SMEJ) must contact the customer service team at Human Kinetics directly to place the order (click here to contact HK).

Extra Ticket For Opening Reception
Extra Ticket For Founders' Award Night

Donate to Women in NASSM (WIN)
Any NASSM members who wish to donate to Women in NASSM (WIN) can do so below (your donation is made separately from your conference registration). Every dollar donated will go directly to supporting WIN programming at the annual NASSM conference and help contribute to providing professional development, as well as networking opportunities for women of NASSM. 

Hotel Information

This year’s 2025 NASSM conference in San Diego will be held at the Hilton Bayfront Hotel. Rising above San Diego Bay and steps from Gaslamp Quarter, Petco Park, and Rady Shell at Jacobs Park, Hilton San Diego Bayfront is the signature SoCal resort. Enjoy a tailored, urban coastal experience with bright and unparalleled views in every guest room, relaxing amenities, and locally-inspired dining.

The NASSM rate will be available to conference attendees starting November 1, 2024. Please be advised that if you plan to stay through the weekend, the night of Saturday, May 31 is not part of the NASSM room block. Therefore, you will need to reserve the night of May 31 separately. When you check in, please let the hotel know you have also reserved May 31 and they will link your reservations so you do not have to check out and move to another room.

Conference Hotel
Hilton Bayfront Hotel
1 Park Boulevard
San Diego, California, 92101

Sponsorship and Marketing

Be a part of the NASSM conference and showcase your organization at the largest academic conference in sport management! Sponsorships, ads, and exhibitor opportunities surrounding the conference are limited and sold on a first come-first served basis. Want to learn more? Click below to view the NASSM Sponsorship Guide. Ready to become a sponsor? Send an email to our Interim Executive Director, Dr. Bri Newland (, to discuss available opportunities.

  • Maximize exposure and brand awareness to a relevant audience

  • Build opportunities to network with colleagues and decision makers

  • Access a broad network of professionals, students, and practitioners

  • Showcase new products in the centrally located exhibitor fair

  • Take advantage of increased marketing opportunities

Program Schedule

The program schedule for the 2025 NASSM Conference in San Diego is currently being prepared and will available by visiting our Ex Ordo system. A tutorial on how to locate the program and your presentation time can be found here. At least one individual listed on each presentation must register for the conference by the early bird deadline (March 31, 2025). Please reach out to the Conference Academic Chair, Dr. Bri Newland (, with any questions about or change requests to drafted schedule (deadline for all change requests is February 29, 2025).

Extra Activities

Make the most of your time in San Diego at the NASSM annual conference by participating in a variety of engaging activities. Whether you’re looking to unwind with a round of golf, catch an exciting San Diego Padres game, or explore other local attractions, there’s something for everyone. Check out the options below and plan your perfect conference getaway!

Golf Outings

While NASSM no longer organizes an official conference NASSM golf tournament, we have secured you a way to book golf should you want to organize your own tee times. Please feel free to book your times by clicking here.

San Diego Padres Tickets

We have coordinated with the San Diego Padres to secure group tickets for the Friday, May 30 matchup with the Pittsburgh Pirates. If you attend the game, we invite you to meet inside the ballpark at the Alpine Rooftop by Section 311 to mingle and meet new NASSM friends before first pitch at 6:40PM. Group tickets are $40.00 per ticket and can be purchased directly from NASSM below. To purchase multiple tickets, increase (+) the number in your cart at checkout.

Presenter Instructions

Oral Presentations

All presenters should bring their presentation file on a USB drive at the time of the presentation so that the file can be loaded directly onto the computer in the breakout room. Files will not be allowed to be pre-loaded to computers prior to the presentation. Each presenter should be prepared to upload their own file.

  • A PC-based laptop will be provided by the A/V services for use during all presentations. Presenters will not be permitted to use their own laptops due to A/V and time constraints. As such, all presentations must be compatible with Microsoft Office PowerPoint (most recent version) for Windows or Mac (.ppt). Please note that audio capabilities are not guaranteed, so plan accordingly and minimize the need for audio in the presentation.

  • Oral presentations (20-minute), will consist of 15 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions. When questions have ended or when 20 minutes has elapsed (whichever happens first), the session will be concluded by the room moderator. There are 5 minutes allotted for transition between breakout sessions.

Poster Presentations

(The dates and times of this year’s Poster Sessions and Teaching and Learning Fair are TBA.)

  • Poster Presentations: Each presenter will have access to an assigned poster mount board. Size of posters should not exceed 3 X 5 feet. Thumbtacks/push pins will be provided to those who need them. Posters should be set up 5 minutes prior to 8:00am on your presentation day and must be removed after your presentation session.

  • Teaching & Learning Fair: Teaching & Learning Fair presenters will share an 8-foot table with one other presenter. Table displays should be set up 5 minutes prior to the start of your presentation and all materials must be removed at the end of your session. No electrical outlets or power cords will be provided. All presenters’ materials must be self-sufficient.

NASSM 2026

The North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) is excited to welcome academics, industry professionals, and students to exchange ideas, present research, and discuss issues of importance in the field of sport management—both theoretical and practical aspects—at NASSM 2026 in Puerto Rico (May 27-May 30). We look forward to seeing all of YOU there!