Founders’ Night
June 3, 2023
Arrival 6:15
Dinner Seating 7:00
Opening Remarks 7:05
Dr. Thomas Aicher, President
Dinner 7:15
Awards 7:30
Dr. Thomas Aicher, President
Dr. Garth Paton Distinguished Service
Dr. Bri Newland
New York University
Distinguished Sport Management Educator Award
Dr. Jim Strode
Ohio University
Joy DeSensi Diversity Award for Inclusive Excellence
Dr. Laura Misener
Western University
Distinguished Research Award
Dr. Andrea Geurin
Loughborough University
NASSM Research Fellows Awards
Adam Karg, Swinburne University of Technology
Akira Asada, Texas Tech University
Chen Chen, University of Connecticut
Christine Wegner, University of Florida
Jacob Tingle, Trinity University
Katie Sveinson, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Jason Doyle, Griffith University
Richard Buning, The University of Queensland
Sport Management Education Journal (SMEJ) Fellow Awards
David Pierce, Indiana University
Elizabeth Taylor, Temple University
Robin Hardin, University of Tennessee
Stacy Warner, East Carolina University
James Johnson, Ball State University
Grant Recipients
Janet B. Parks Research Grant NASSM Service-Learning Grant Doctoral Grant
Landy Lu, University of Minnesota.
Promoting gender equity and inclusion in collegiate varsity eSports programs.
Chen Chen, University of Connecticut
Tribal Ownership and the Management of Professional Sport Franchise: the Case of Connecticut Sun and the Mohegan Tribe
Service-Learning Grant Recipient
Juha Yoon, Indiana University
Understanding Experiential Learning Outcomes in a For-Profit Service-Learning Experience
Doctoral Grant Recipients
Hailey Harris, Texas A&M University
Making a Case: The NBA’s Recurring Investment in the WNBA
Baykal Altiner, Texas A&M University
Help-Seeking Intentions of NCAA Divisoin I Athletes and Social Network Influences on Athlete Perceptions of the Athletic Environment
Leila Riley, University of Minnesota
Men Mentoring Women in Professional Sport: A Study Exploring the Relational and Gendered Aspects of Mentoring in Sport
Marshall Mainer, Florida State University
Masking the Ugly Truth?’ A Sentiment Analysis of Sportswashing and 2022 Qatar World Cup
The History of NASSM
On September 20th, 1985, at the urging of Earle F. Zeigler, Robert Boucher, Janet Parks, and Beverly Zanger met in Windsor, Ontario to discuss convening a group of sport management academicians in order to identify common needs and concerns. After a productive discussion, they decided to invite colleagues from other Canadian and American sport management programs to join them. By October, interest had grown and Gordon Olafson, Garth Paton, Zeigler, Carl Schraibman, Joy DeSensi, Janet Koontz, Ted Coates, and Rick Quain joined them. From their discussion, debate, and dialogue, the group determined that they and their programs had more commonalities than differences and decided to invite others with common interests to join them to form a professional organization. From these discussion groups, The North American Society for Sport Management was founded. By mid-December, June Baughman, Terry Haggerty, Charles Higgins, Pat Galasso, and Dennis Hastings joined the others and selected Kent State University as the site for the first NASSM conference in 1986.